"Artist and choreographer Milana Yalir's work accomplishes an insightful exploration of the notion of identity, to walk the viewers through a multilayered experience, inducing them to elaborate personal associations and interpretations. Her style rejects any conventional classifications and is marked with freedom as well as coherence, while hencapsulating a careful attention to composition and balance. One of the most impressive aspects of Yalir's research is the way it accomplishes the difficult task of providing the reflection on human body in nature with such an unconventional still effective autonomous aesthetics: we are very pleased to introduce our readers to her stimulating and multifaceted artistic production."
- Dario Rutigliano, curator
- Josh Ryder, curator
Please open the link in order to watch an ithem on Dutch TV by Nefesh TV by Shaul Keslassi from 2014 about the exhibition Oxymoron in the galley Light House Gallery in Old Jaffa. Thanks for watching!
The commission of Rhythm of Chance in 2000, was edited with the song circles of Nadav Kadmon in 2012. Since then a new collaboration had started. Currently, they are working on new songs build upon poems written by Milana in 1989, before she went to the Netherlands.
Sponsored by Amsterdam Fund for the Arts commissioned by the Royal Tropical Institute and Tropeanmuseum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.2000
"The video-installation is a jewel, a white pearl in a black setting." Wilma Suto
de Volkskrant
- Diane Arbus